Externship Program

Veterinary students interested in the internship positions are strongly encouraged to complete an externship at the New England Medical and Surgical Center.  Please contact Alexis Stasinos at extern@newenglandequine.com to schedule an externship.

Our externship program is structured to be an invaluable learning experience for undergraduate, technician and veterinary students. We make every effort to expose you to various aspects of equine veterinary medicine while allowing for as much “hands on” opportunities as possible.

You will work closely with our patients, clients and staff and are valued as an important part of the NEEMSC team. Our hope is that you regard your experience at New England Equine Medical & Surgical Center as an integral part of your journey toward a career in equine veterinary medicine.

New England Equine Medical & Surgical Center
Externship Application Form

Name:  Email Address:
School: Year: 1 2 3 4 
Years program requires:
Veterinary program  Technician program   Pre-veterinary program
Male    Female     Other Would you mind sharing a room
with the opposite gender?
Yes   No  Ask me first
Address @ School: Home Address:
Street: Street:
City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip:
Phone: Phone:
Emergency Contact Info During Externship
Name/Relation: Phone Contact:
Name/Relation: Phone Contact:
Other Info (medication, medical condition, etc.):
Dates of Externship (m/d/y) 1st choice:  
2nd choice:
3rd choice:  

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Please email us either a current curriculum vitae or a letter describing all equine experience and other pertinent information you consider valuable in consideration of your application for externship.

By signing below, you indicate that you have read the description of New England Equine Medical & Surgical Center externship, and agree to abide by the expectations described therein to the best of your ability.

Signature: Date:
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