Internal Medicine
A critical part of NEEMSC is our 24/7 availability for emergencies; colic being our most common one. The internal medicine service evaluates most of the colic cases helping to decide which will benefit from medical therapy and which ones require surgical intervention. This is instrumental in providing high quality post-operative care and management working with her surgeon colleagues to provide the best care for our patients.
In addition to colic cases, internal medicine specializes in evaluation of horses with other gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory problems, equine endocrinology and metabolic disorders, and liver, kidney, and neurologic diseases.
At NEEMSC, a dedicated isolation facility is used for contagious infectious disease cases and a specialized neonatology unit is available for foals with failure of passive transfer (FPT), neonatal maladjustment syndrome (NMS), and septicemia.
Internal Medicine specialty diagnostics include:
- ultrasonography of the thorax and abdomen
- respiratory and urinary endoscopy
- gastroscopy
- neurologic evaluations and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) sampling

Our veterinarians can examines horses for:
- Colic/Abdominal Pain
- Respiratory Disorders
- Weight Loss
- Foal Illness/Weak Foals
- Skin Disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Urinary Disorders
- Diarrhea
- Gastric Ulcers
- Endocrine Disorders
We also coordinate intensive-care treatment of post-operative colic cases and maintain intensive-care treatment of weak, ill new-born foals.